Neighborhood Tips

Speeding in the Neighborhood
Speeding, erratic driving and following too closely are offenses taken very seriously in the neighborhood. The speed limit is 25 mph on all neighborhood streets. Be aware of walkers, runners, bicyclists, children and dogs at all times – especially going around curves. Remember this is YOUR home and these are YOUR neighbors.
The Sandy Springs Police Department requests that complaints regarding traffic offenses be reported to them using this link.
Personal Services Directory
A list of young people offering their services such as babysitting, pet sitting, house sitting, tutoring, piano lessons and yard work is posted above under the For Homeowners tab.
If you would like to provide a service to Huntcliff neighbors, please fill out an online application by clicking here.
Huntcliff Common Area Sign Policy
The clutter created by an excess in number, size and height of signs placed in Huntcliff common areas negatively impacts the safety of road travel and intrudes upon the residential character of Huntcliff. While the covenants govern signs placed on private property, they are silent regarding Huntcliff common areas. Therefore, in keeping with Fulton County and Sandy Springs regulations, the HHA has adopted the following guidelines for signs temporarily placed in Huntcliff common areas:
For weekend events such as real estate open houses, garage sales and special events, signs may be placed on Huntcliff common property, including landscape islands or entrances.
Signs shall be professional in appearance and no larger than four square feet, mounted with the height at three feet or less.
Signs may be placed starting at noon on Friday and shall be removed on or before the following Monday at noon.
Real estate caravan signs may be placed on Tuesday morning and shall be removed by the end of the same day.
Any sign not fitting the description placed in the common areas outside of the times indicated above will be removed and discarded.
Neighborhood Noise
Click here to see the rules and regulations regarding noise in the neighborhood.